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Tuscarawas MHA Resources:

Tuscarawas MHA Home

Who We Are
Fair Housing
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Rental Assistance for Tenants
Section 8 Housing
Tenant Forms
Information Policy
Renting to Relatives
Waiting List
Section 8 Partnership
Resident Advisory Board

Rental Assistance for Owners
Section 8 Program Overview
Assistance Calculation
Renting to Relatives
Housing Quality Standards
Lead Based Paint
Section 8 Partnership

Family Self-Sufficiency
FSS Program

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TMHA Resident Advisory Board

The TMHA Resident Advisory Board needs your participation. The purpose of the (R.A.B.) is to advise the housing authority on ways in which to make the program more effective for all participating families. TMHA would like to give participating families an active voice in the administration of our PHA.  We are very interested in hearing your opinions regarding assisted housing. All current TMHA Section 8 clients are eligible to participate on the R.A. B.

This group meets at the TMHA office six times yearly (every other month) to discuss issues involving the administration of the TMHA Section 8 Program. Some of this groups discussions include:

  • TMHA Operating Procedures
  • TMHA Annual Plan Submitted to HUD
  • Utility Costs and TMHA Utility
  • Allowance Process
  • Family Self– Sufficiency efforts at TMHA
  • TMHA Tenant Integrity Policies & Fraud
  • New Initiatives at TMHA

     Refreshments are provided at each meeting. Call to find out the time and date of the next meeting.